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  • Au Yin Chan

Turning 55 and Not Acting My Age

5 affirmations to remind me I don't have to act my age and that aging is a privilege.

Age is relative. The experiences in my life have never matched my age.

If you have read my blogs, It's Never Too Late to Turn a New Page! and Finding Super Strength in Adversity, you would have learned that I lost my father when I was 6 and my mother when I was 20. These events have impacted who I am, how I live my life and why I have never acted my age.

I was always much older than my years as a child, youth and young adult because of the responsibilities that were thrown at me as the oldest daughter of a Chinese family.

After the death of my father when I was 6, everyone told me to be responsible for helping my mom and caring for my younger brother. That's how I remember my childhood. Mostly full of responsibilities with moments of carefree fun scattered in between.

My mom became seriously ill with cancer when I was in my late teens and then passed away soon after my 20th birthday. So my rebellious teen years were stunted by the heaviness of helping to look after my mom and siblings while completing high school and college. Of course, I did manage some partying and underage clubbing into my teens, I was never the rebellious teen because of my responsibility to help care for my family.

While I often wonder how my life would have been different if I still had my parents with me, I am grateful for the strength and resilience that I gained in going through these adversities. Being wiser and more responsible than my years as a teenager and young adult led me to recognition from the companies that I worked with and got me into leadership roles early in my career.

Movies like Freaky Friday, Big, and 13 Going on 30 are movies that I resonate with because I relate to the story of a kid being thrown into adulthood by surprise.

Now having lived half my adult life and starting my empty-nesting years, I feel as if I am reverse aging and I have more freedom to be carefree.

This month I turned 55. I looked in the mirror and wondered, "Is this how I should look and feel at 55?" I don't have a reference for what I should be like at this age. Neither of my parents made it to 55.

I come from a background in fashion design and decades in the fashion and beauty industry.

I am a make-up and skincare addict who can still rock a fierce winged eyeliner.

Decades of working in the fashion and beauty industry kept me looking youthful. While working in the learning and development field has kept my mind young while I stayed on top of technology and knowledge that resonate with the younger generations that I teach.

Most of all, raising my Generation Z sons has kept my heart and spirit young as I learned to experience the world through their stages of development.

As I reflect on turning 55, I realize that I don't have to confine myself to any societally expected norms about acting my age. In fact, now more than ever I can define what I want my life to be.

"The most important thing I can tell you about aging is this: If you really feel that you want to have an off-the-shoulder blouse and some big beads and thong sandals and a dirndl skirt and a magnolia in your hair, do it. Even if you're wrinkled."

Maya Angelou

So this week I share 5 affirmations to remind me I don't have to act my age and that aging is a privilege.

Looking Forward to the Second Half

“And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.”

Abraham Lincoln

The first half of my rollercoaster life has been an amazing adventure thus far. The joys and blessings I am most grateful for are my dearest family and friends and a career that has allowed me to follow my passions and grow my talents.

I have learned important Lessons on Coping With Life's Adversities and have learned how to make the best of a 2nd (or 3rd) Chance in Life.

More than ever, age is becoming irrelevant as we live longer and hopefully healthier lives. The only rules I need to follow are the rules that a 55-year-old body needs to live a healthy second half of life.

What I know for sure is that age for my mind, heart and spirit is irrelevant. I am excited about the opportunities and possibilities for the second half of my life. I intend to continue to not act my age as I enjoy all that life has to offer for a vibrant 55-year-old.

There's so much to learn and do and so little time. Make the life in your years count more than just the years in your life.

Additional articles on aging gracefully:

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No limits CC! 50 is the new 40…perhaps even 30. 💪


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