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  • Au Yin Chan

To Blog or Not to Blog

Three changes I will make to continue in my pursuit of chasing a more beautiful world one blog post at a time.

In my very first blog, "It's Never Too Late to Turn a New Page!", I share my origin story of how I became a blogger in my 50s and what I hope to achieve with my articles and website in February of 2022.

At that time the world was struggling out of the Covid-19 pandemic and I was struggling out of my anxiety and depression brought on by personal and world circumstances at that time.

Now my website will soon be 2 years old as I write my 81st blog.

Much has changed since the world has shifted into post-Covid recovery. As economies slow, inflation rises and wars continue to rage in January 2024, it's hard to see with optimism at times.

I began to question whether or not I wanted to continue blogging. I wonder if my one voice makes a difference. I wonder if anyone reads blogs anymore in the new age of AI content that can generate articles in minutes.

I have been deeply reflecting on whether or not to continue with my blogging journey as I set my intentions and goals for 2024.

I reviewed my past articles and surprised myself with the body of work that I have created. I revisited messages from readers who found my articles helpful and feel so grateful that they took the time to tell me.

I am constantly surprised when friends and acquaintances tell me they have read my blogs and compliment me on my content or writing. I've even had friends say that I have inspired them to start journaling or writing in some way to preserve their life stories for the future.

In these moments, I am filled with hope that perhaps my one voice can make a difference.

And then there are the moments when I am on the fence...

The time and effort to brainstorm, research and write. The struggle to continue to learn new technology and skills to manage a website. How to balance creative energy between my new Mindful Creativity workshops, consulting work and growing my creativity skills. All while still prioritizing my family first.

Then I revisited what I wrote on the "About" page of my website:

Moving beyond self-imposed limits and the safety of our comfort zone is not easy. We all need some inspiration to help motivate us. We all need affirmation and someone to believe in us. We all deserve to shine and be seen.

My heart tells me that there is still more to share as I push through my limits and continue to grow my comfort zone. There is more for me to learn on how to adapt and evolve in my life as a 50+ writer, artist, entrepreneur, empty nester, wife and parent. I just need to be honest with myself on how to maintain a workable healthy balance.

Here are three changes I will make so that I can sustainably continue my blogging journey.

1. Adjust Publication Time Lines

When I started the blogging journey, all the resources that I researched on successful blogging told me that I had to post at least 1-2 posts a week to gain readers and views. I committed to one post per week as that was realistic for my work and life activities in 2022 and much of 2023. It was also necessary to establish a readership base as a new blogger.

The reality is that I don't approach my website or blogging as an income generator. It is still my passion project to share self-help, self-care and mindfulness content for free for as long as I can support it.

Now as my life and work evolve and require more time and energy in other projects, I need to be honest with myself about the time and creative energy I commit to blogging. Weekly publications are not realistic for my unique POV writing style and the time required to produce the quality of articles that I want to share.

So starting in January 2024 I will publish a blog every 2 weeks instead of weekly. This may change as needed for times when I need to focus on big consulting projects, family occasions or self-care time as I continue in recovery observation from cancer.

The lessons I learned in making this decision are:

  • I need to make sure my cup is full so that I may share value with others.

  • It's not a failure to pull back or step back and reprioritize.

  • Life evolves and priorities change so the way I work needs to adapt accordingly for quality of work and life.

2. Hone in on My Unique Content

There is so much that interests me and so much that I have to share from my work and life experiences that it's hard to commit to just one topic. Reviewing the readership track of my blogs, I see that certain blogs generate more engagement than others.

With 80 articles under my belt now, I can see the top 10 list with the most engagement.

While my more "clinical" articles for productivity and self-development did well on the SPACES blogging App by WIX, my personal stories and life lessons had the most engagement on my website

Going forward I will hone in on unique life experiences and skills that will benefit others. I will share what helps my clients and what helps me with real-life authentic examples.

My lesson learned is that "ah-ha" moments are worth sharing and could be a spark of reflection and inspiration for others.

3. Ask For Readers and Feedback

When I hit the publish button on almost 2 years ago, I honestly thought I would be lucky if people from my contact list took the time to read an article or two. I didn't think that my content would reach so many from all over the world and that they would reach out to connect with me.

I am still battling my imposter syndrome and have difficulty self-promoting. As I start to venture into more Mindful Creativity workshops and a new audience of people, I will also promote my website and ask for their readership and feedback.

I will also make an effort to not be shy about receiving recognition from readers and instead to be brave enough to ask for their thoughts and comments.

The lessons that I am still learning are how to be confident, accept praise and be braver in sharing my unique talents.

Chasing a More Beautiful World One Blog Post at a Time

Since I started this journey as a 50+-year-old blogger, I have often gotten the question, "Why did you start a blog?" To be honest, I ask myself the same question as I sit in front of a blank computer page each week, despite how much content planning I try to do.

The simple answer is that I want to make the world a better place, even in my small way, with my independent voice, one blog at a time.

Throughout my life, I have been called a dreamer, naïve, and idealist for wanting the world to be a better place...without discrimination, sexism, ageism and so many other "isms" on the list.

I am not naïve to the reality that my one voice will not change the world. I hope that it can make a difference in someone's world to say, "You are capable of making a difference in the world. You are seen, valued and you matter."

So I invite you to share my journey as I continue to chase a more beautiful world one blog post at a time.

I end this 81st blog with my favourite quote that appears on the home page of

“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. ”​

― Marianne Williamson

I would love to hear your comments and I need them.

What value have you gained from and my articles?

What content and topics would you like to see more of in the future?

Thank you for spending time on

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4 Kommentare

08. Jan.

Still looking forward to see your blog every 2 weeks ❤️

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Au Yin Chan
09. Jan.
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Thank you for your support and encouragement throughout my blogging journey so far. I will do my best to keep it up.

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Stanley Chan
Stanley Chan
08. Jan.

Great job honey. Proud of you.

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Au Yin Chan
08. Jan.
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Thank you for always being my #1 fan.

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