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  • Au Yin Chan

Grow Your Self-Development Skills and Grow Your Potential

Like technology, the pace of change in the world is getting faster. Here are 3 reasons to grow your self-development skills and keep your mindset and skillset from becoming obsolete.

From the day we are born, we begin our self-development journey. At first, our development is for human survival like learning to walk, talk and feed ourselves. Then it's development to help us become a functioning part of society like academics, critical thinking and social skills.

Once we get settled into our lives (and our years), self-development stops being a necessity and becomes an active choice that takes intention and persistence.

For some, self-development is an option they don't feel they need because they are well settled into their comfort zone. For others, it's only a means to an end to get the job they want or when they want a promotion. For most, self-development is something they will do when they have time, eventually.

The motivation to grow through self-development is individual to each of us.

If you read my blogs Lessons in Courage From My Mom or What a Lifetime as a Misfit Taught Me About How to Stand Out? you will discover that my self-development skills were motivated by the need to adapt to drastic changes and uncertainty in my life.

Unfortunately, it often takes adversity or changes in life that are out of our control to force reflection, self-awareness and then self-development to make change happen. Each time that life has forced me to grow, I am more convinced that self-development has helped me to find new potential and more fulfillment in life.

The fact is that if we don't develop and grow our personal and professional skills in life, we may find ourselves suddenly disconnected and obsolete.

Like many of us, I had to learn how to pivot my learning and development consulting business during the pandemic. For an industry reliant on in-person interaction and large training classes, I had to learn how to use Zoom, Teams and online learning as the new norm of conducting business.

We are now getting back to more pre-pandemic formats for learning and development work. However, the options for how I can teach, train and coach my clients have grown in opportunities and potential. The only way I can continue to be effective and relevant in my work is to grow my mindset and skillset through self-development.

So if you are perfectly comfortable in your comfort zone or think you will always have time for self-development later, I urge you to reconsider. Read on to learn more about what self-development is and how it can benefit you. Then find out my 3 reasons for growing your self-development skills.

What is Self-development and Why is it Good for You?

As defined by the APA Dictionary of Psychology, self-improvement is the growth or improvement of one’s qualities and abilities.

Self-development is a conscious process of pursuing growth by developing skills, competencies and knowledge. It applies to all aspects of our lives, personal and professional, and can help us to achieve our goals, self-fulfillment and reach greater potential.

The process of self-development includes:

Skill Enhancement

The development of personal and interpersonal effectiveness skills, abilities and competencies.

Examples of personal effectiveness are goal-setting, time management, problem-solving, stress management, etc.

Examples of interpersonal effectiveness are communication skills, relationship building, collaborating with others, leading others, etc.

Mental Conditioning

The process of building and strengthening our minds to focus on achieving objectives and goals.

Examples of mental conditioning are positive imagery, improving self-image, self-compassion, self-esteem and self-confidence.

Habit Creation

The conscious development of behaviours that become habitual to enhance our lives. Because habits are automatic, re-examine current habits and how they affect your actions, thoughts and decisions. Then create new proactive and positive habits that help to achieve the results in life you want.

Benefits of self-development:

  • improve self-awareness and understanding

  • improve strengths and build talents

  • achieve career and life goals

  • broaden skills and knowledge

  • discover new opportunities

  • find more life fulfillment

If these benefits are not enough, here are my 3 reasons for building your self-development skills today.

1. Fly Beyond Your Comfort Zone

I know that the walls of our comfort zone can feel safe and secure. But there is so much more of the world to explore beyond those walls.

The self-development journey starts with self-reflection and self-assessment. It's beneficial to make time to take stock of your skills, competencies, aptitudes and where you want to be in your life.

If we don't know where you are, how can you see where you are going?

It helps to conduct a personal SWOT analysis to clarify how to proceed with your self-development journey. Click on the link to download the free PDF.

You can conduct a SWOT analysis for different objectives in your life from career, relationships and personal life goals. By considering the internal and external pros and cons, you can better identify the areas for self-development and plot your path.

2. Discover the Fun of Learning for Fun

When self-development is only a means to an end, it can feel like an obligation and a chore. But self-development activities coupled with self-awareness aligned with your values, aptitudes, competencies and goals can be fun and exciting.

When I made the decision to start my own learning and development consulting business, I suddenly had to achieve official certification for many of the skills and competencies that I had achieved in my corporate career. I worried that the process would be a chore and a waste of time to learn what I was already doing.

Instead, I discovered that re-learning and updating my skills was invigorating and empowering. I gained confidence and reassurance from the content that I knew. I gained new knowledge and skills from updated industry content that broadened my mindset and skill set for the future.

After that experience, I have included self-development as a part of my self-care activities. I pursue learning in various topics that align with my interests and objectives. In doing so I have even discovered new opportunities to expand my consulting business with new programs that will encourage others to invest in their own self-development.

Learning new skills and knowledge can be fun when you are open to the learning process. Allow yourself to learn for fun and your life will be richer for it.

3. Improve Your Life Satisfaction Rating

I believe that we are all capable of fulfilling our life's purpose and potential. It doesn't have to be grand like reinventing the wheel or being the next Steve Jobs (unless you want to be). We all make a contribution with our time on this planet and can choose the impact we make with the legacy we leave behind.

Psychologist Abraham Maslow (1943, 1954) stated that human motivation is based on people seeking fulfillment and change through personal growth. Self-actualized people are those who were fulfilled and doing all they were capable of.

According to Maslow, we are all capable of self-actualization, but only 2% of people will reach the stage of self-actualization.

Maslow (1970) studied 18 people whom he considered to be self-actualized, including Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein, and identified the following 15 characteristics of a self-actualized person.

  1. They perceive reality efficiently and can tolerate uncertainty.

  2. Accept themselves and others for what they are.

  3. Spontaneous in thought and action.

  4. Problem-centred (not self-centred)

  5. Unusual sense of humour.

  6. Able to look at life objectively.

  7. Highly creative.

  8. Resistant to enculturation, but not purposely unconventional.

  9. Concerned for the welfare of humanity.

  10. Capable of deep appreciation of basic life experience.

  11. Establish deep satisfying interpersonal relationships with a few people.

  12. Peak experiences.

  13. Need for privacy.

  14. Democratic attitudes.

  15. Strong moral/ethical standards.

Self-actualization does not equate to perfection. Nor does it mean that you will be self-actualized if you exhibit some of the traits on his list.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs suggests that we are intrinsically motivated to achieve our potential because human motivation is based on people seeking fulfillment and change through personal growth.

Your Limits Are Self-Imposed

“If you don’t like change, you’ll like irrelevance even less.”

Eric Shinseki

The one thing consistent in life is change. Our ability to adapt to change enables us to grow and strive for our goals and dreams.

The next time you are comfortably wrapped in your comfort zone, ask yourself if this is as far as you wanted to go.

Additional Articles:

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Jun 04, 2023

Resistant to enculturation? what does it mean?

Au Yin Chan
Jun 04, 2023
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Enculturation is the process of learning cultural norms. Resistant to enculturation means the ability to rethink and question cultural norms.


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