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  • Au Yin Chan

Overcome the Fear of Trying Something New

Updated: Jul 16, 2023

Challenging ourselves to try something new can be scary, but the benefits are worth it. Here are 5 reasons to find the courage to try a new adventure.

I am afraid of heights. I am not an extreme sports enthusiast.

Yet as a starry-eyed, freshly engaged 20-something woman, I said yes to trying skydiving with my then-fiancé and now my husband of 30+ years. At the time, I told him "If you jump, I jump." (8 years before the release of The Titanic when Jack said it to Rose.)

Our skydiving adventure was back in the late 1980s before regulations prevented new skydivers from doing solo jumps. We received one day's training on how to jump out of the plane, how to drift during freefall, how to control our parachute once opened and how to land.

I remember the fear building in my gut as I huddled in the small plane climbing to the jump altitude. I remember not being able to breathe when they opened the airplane door and the gushing of wind in my face and ears. I remember fighting the wind to pull myself out of the plane into the launch position at +3000 feet.

I was the last one to jump from my group. I weighed 98 pounds and each time I tried to pull myself out of the plane into the launch position, the wind knocked me back on my ass into the cabin.

After three attempts, I was frustrated and scared and ready to give up. Even the instructor thought I would not be able to jump.

Then the instructor saw my expression change and the sheer determination in my eyes as I took one more try to pull myself out onto the wing. I remember in that moment, my mind went quiet and my body found the strength to overcome the wind. I got myself out on that ledge and made my first successful solo jump.

When we landed and gathered for the debriefing, the instructor asked me what happened to make me so determined. I told him that I didn't want to give up on myself and that I knew I could be stronger.

My husband and I only made one more solo jump after that first one. It was one of the most exhilarating experiences in my life and a memory that I cherish. It's also a great metaphor for overcoming the fear of trying something new.

I am not saying you need to try extreme sports to gain the benefit of trying something new. Unless that's what you've always wanted to do. But challenging yourself to have new experiences big or small can do wonders for your self-development.

When did you last start something new for your knowledge and experience? What have you always wanted to try or learn? What's keeping you from trying something new?

As adults, we have a myriad of excuses for not starting something new.

  • I don't have time.

  • It's too hard to start.

  • I'm too old (or too young) to try that.

  • It's not a productive use of my time.

  • I don't think I would be good at it.

Have you ever thought this way about trying something new?

The truth is that we are often scared to venture outside of our comfort zone. Trying something new means the risk of failing or disappointment if it doesn't work out.

But how do you know what you are capable of if you don't give yourself permission to try? Here are 5 reasons to find the courage to try a new adventure and some suggestions on how to start.

1. Discover Interests and Abilities That Give You Joy

When we were young, we joyfully learned and discovered our interests and abilities through new experiences as a part of our growth and development. As we get older and master skills and knowledge with age and experience, it can be hard to discover new interests and abilities.

Many times, the things that once excited us as children and the dreams of what we wish we could do someday are lost to time and the practicality of daily life, work and family responsibilities.

Discovering something new to try may mean reconnecting with our inner child and rediscovering the childhood wishes that we can now act on as adults. Ask yourself,

  • What is something that you always wanted to learn as a child?

  • What were some activities that gave you the most joy when you were young?

  • What were some of your childhood and youth accomplishments that gave you the most excitement and pride?

As an adult, we have to ability to act on interests that allow us to discover our abilities. If you once loved to draw and paint, take an art class. If you used to love to play the guitar, brush up with lessons. If you always wanted to learn to play the drums but your parents didn't like the noise, you are in control now and can rock out with drum lessons.

Allow yourself to discover or rediscover interests and abilities that give you joy.

2. Expand Your Knowledge and Skills For Fun

Once we become responsible adults, we use our time for productivity and learn skills that advance our careers, positions and accomplishments for our resumes. Learning and development became serious and often a means to an end.

We stopped learning to fulfill our curiosities and interests. We stopped learning for fun.

Self-development becomes focused on professional skills and less on personal development and enjoyment.

Creating personal development activities contributes to your ability to learn and grow professionally. When you enjoy learning for fun, you are cultivating a learning mindset and habits that will also help in your professional life.

Make sure you include learning for personal interests and fun as a part of your weekly schedule.

3. Build Your Self-Confidence With New Accomplishments

When my children were young, I loved watching their delight and confidence when they accomplished something new. From their first steps to their first painting to their high school and university graduation, each of their new experiences and accomplishments helps to build their self-confidence.

Whether it's for work or play, accomplishing new skills and achieving new goals builds confidence. While work opportunities may not be fully under our control, our personal opportunities to try something new and set new goals are entirely up to us.

To create more opportunities to have confidence-boosting new experiences:

  • Reflect on your values and what accomplishments make you feel the most fulfilled.

  • Identify what activities and experiences made you feel this way.

  • Set achievable goals and build these activities into regular intervals in your life.

When trying something new, not everything will be a success, there will be some failures along the way. But that's part of the learning process.

The sense of accomplishment should also include your courage to try something new regardless of success or failure. You will learn and grow from both and deserve to be confident in your courage to try.

4. Improve Your Overall Health With Self-care Activities

Doing something new is good for your overall health. Our brains are wired for curiosity and novelty. There's even a term for it, neophilia. As defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary, neophilia is "the love of or enthusiasm for what is new or novel".

When we try new things our brain develops new neuropathways and releases the feel-good chemical called dopamine. Studies show that people who have a good balance of new experiences that stimulate the brain gain benefits such as:

  • Improved your brain health and memory.

  • Increased your mental well-being and happiness.

  • Increased ability to build connections with others.

  • Better able to stay relevant.

Think of trying something new as a part of your self-care and prioritize your investment of time for your overall health.

5. Enrich Your Quality of Life With Diverse Experiences

Trying something new often comes in the form of classes and group settings. These activities help to keep us socially active and connected. The more diverse the new experiences are, the more they enrich our lives in different ways.

Find diverse settings for trying something new.

  • Yoga and meditative activities help you become more in tune with yourself.

  • Physical activity classes are great for your physical health and help to motivate you to challenge yourself.

  • Creative activities help you to improve focus and cognitive flexibility.

  • Activities with friends and family will improve your relationships.

In the end, it is the diverse experiences of our lives that make it a rich and fulling one.

Life is Made Interesting With Experience and Memories

Most people are surprised when they discover that I had adventures such as skydiving and white water rafting. They are experiences that were way out of my comfort zone that I am proud of despite my fear of heights and not being a good swimmer.

These experiences have taught me that I am capable of overcoming my fears and letting go to enjoy something new.

The lessons that I have learned about myself are reminders that I will never know what I am capable of until I try. And if I jumped, so can you.

More articles to help you stretch your comfort zone:

I would love to hear your comments!

What's something new that you have always wanted to try and what's holding you back from doing it?

What have you gained or learned from trying something new recently?

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