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  • Au Yin Chan

How to Make Your Birthday Wishes Come True

Birthday wishes are your hopes and desires for your future and with each birthday you have a chance to make your wishes come true. Here are 5 tips to help you chase the dreams your heart makes.

Wish (verb): to have a desire for (something, such as something unattainable)

March is my birthday month. With each birthday, I reflect on what I have achieved in the previous year and what I hope to achieve in the coming year. I contemplate what I will wish for when I close my eyes and blow out my birthday cake candles.

As I get older into my 50s, I realize that the number of candles on my cake now outnumbers the possible number of future birthday cakes in my life.  I realize that the number of birthday wishes and the time to make them come true is fleeting. That's why each birthday wish is precious.

Regardless of your age, it's good to make birthday wishes. Wishes are aspirations from our hearts. Wishes are hopes and dreams that can be a source of inspiration to motivate us forward.

Unlike in fairy tales with magic wishing stars, fairy godmothers and magic wands to instantly bring our wishes to fruition, in reality, we need to work to manifest our wishes.


Reflecting over a lifetime of birthday wishes, there are ones that once seemed so out of reach but were achievable with hard work and persistence.  The twists and turns in life have led me to achieve my deepest wishes, even if they manifested in a different form than expected.


The wishes that didn't come to fruition I feel no regret for as they were not meant to be.  The wishes that I didn't know I wanted at the time, were the best unexpected life experiences of all.

Looking back over a lifetime of birthday wishes, I see the pattern of thoughts and actions it took to make the meaningful wishes come true.

So, this year, on my birthday month, I am sharing my 5 tips for making birthday wishes come true in hopes that you can create your own magic.


1. Be Careful What You Wish For

It's important to understand what is at the root of your wish. Understanding why your heart desires something can help you determine the steps needed to make the wish come true or if it is truly what you want.

Spend time visualizing your wish as if it has already come true. Create a mental image or use visualization techniques to imagine yourself experiencing the desired outcome. If the outcome is aligned with your values and desired results, then you can confidently take action to chase your wish.

Self-reflection and introspection can also help you discover limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from chasing your wish. Once you identify and address internal barriers preventing you from making your wishes come true, you'll be more likely to make them happen.

What you can do:

  • Clearly define what you want to achieve or experience.

  • Be specific, as vague wishes can lead to ambiguous results.

  • Write down your wish in a journal or on a piece of paper where you can remind and motivate yourself to take action.

2. Allow Time for Wishes to Manifest

Magic wands and fairy godmothers only exist in fairytales. Making your wishes come true takes time so having patience and persistence is important. Trust the timing and the process instead of fixating on the goal.

Patience and trust are vital elements in making wishes come true. Understand that there may be a divine timing or a natural process at play. Sometimes, delays or detours occur for a reason, leading you to greater growth or unforeseen opportunities.

The journey is a part of the wish and can hold valuable life lessons. Have faith that things will unfold in their own time and in the best way for your highest good.

Trust the process and remain committed to your goals. Consistent action combined with a positive mindset can help you overcome obstacles and bring you closer to your wish.

What you can do:

  • Break down your wish into smaller, actionable goals.

  • Determine the steps you need to take to move closer to your wish.

  • Set realistic deadlines and create a plan to achieve each goal.

3. Lessons Are Valuable Wishes Granted

Making your birthday wish come true requires stepping out of your comfort zone. Wishes are aspirational and require you to move forward and grow toward them.

The lessons we learn in overcoming challenges to grow toward making our wishes come true are as valuable as the wishes themselves.

Don’t let self-doubt and limiting beliefs get in the way. Doubting your abilities or believing that your wish is impossible can create a barrier to success. Overcoming these challenges requires cultivating self-confidence, challenging negative thoughts, and replacing them with positive affirmations.

What you can do:

  • Actively pursue opportunities and take actions aligned with your wish.

  • Be open to new possibilities and be proactive in seeking them out.

  • Step out of your comfort zone to overcome challenges to make progress.

4. Let Go of Wishes Not Meant to Be

Some wishes are not meant to be. External challenges, such as financial constraints, time limitations, or lack of resources, can pose significant hurdles for some of the wishes you make. In these instances, it’s important to be open and adaptable.

Be open to unexpected opportunities and alternative paths that may lead you toward another version of your wish. Sometimes, the universe presents us with different paths and being adaptable allows you to make the most of these opportunities.

When letting go of a wish not meant to be, practicing mindfulness can help you quiet your mind, reduce stress, and cultivate a state of clarity, openness and acceptance without judgment. This state of mind allows you to connect with your intuition, making it easier to recognize alternate opportunities.

What you can do:

  • Release attachment to the outcome.

  • Seek support and different opinions from those you trust.

  • Surround yourself with positive influences who support and encourage your aspirations.

  • Trust that things will unfold in the best way possible and remain open to unexpected possibilities.

5. Have Gratitude for Wishes Big and Small

Cultivate gratitude for what you already have and for any progress made towards your wish. Expressing gratitude helps shift your focus towards abundance and attracts positive energy.

Engaging in acts of kindness and gratitude can create a positive ripple effect in your life. By helping others and expressing gratitude for what you have, you cultivate a mindset of abundance and attract positive energy. This positive energy can contribute to the manifestation of your wishes.

What you can do:

  • Have faith in yourself and the process.

  • Have a positive mindset of abundance.

Keep On Making Birthday Wishes

"A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes"

Cinderella Theme Song - Mack David, Al Hoffman and Jerry Livingston

Wishes are often thought of as our heart's deepest dreams. That's why when we make wishes, they often seem like they are out of reach or impossible to come true.

But if we don't even make the wishes in our hearts because we are afraid, they won't have a chance to come true at all.

No matter how many birthday candles are on our birthday cakes we need to keep on making birthday wishes. We all need hopes and dreams to strive toward, no matter what stage of life we are in.

As I blow out my birthday candles this year, I will make a wish for all of us...

“Be kind, have courage and always believe in a little magic.”


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