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  • Au Yin Chan

How Generosity and Giving Can Benefit Your Health and Happiness

The holiday gift-giving season is not the only time we should be generous. Here are 8 benefits from being generous and giving and 8 ways to do it all year round.

In the blink of an eye, we are stepping into December 2023. (At the time of this post.) Have you started on your Christmas shopping list yet?

My favourite part of the holiday season is preparing my gift list. Thinking about the special people in my life and what would bring them joy is the most rewarding gift of all for me.

I love that warm fuzzy feeling of giving so much that I try to find opportunities to do it all year round without needing a holiday as an excuse. It turns out that there is science to back the saying "It is better to give than to receive."

The act of giving and being generous does not mean we need to break the bank. Giving to others is not limited to material things. Gifts can come in the form of time, attention and contribution which benefit both the giver and the receiver.

As we all gear up our frantic holiday preparations, here is some food for thought. Read on to discover 8 benefits from being generous and giving and 8 ways to do it all year round.

The Benefits of Giving and Generosity

Research shows that giving and generosity have numerous benefits both for the giver and the recipient.

1. Increased happiness

When we help others or contribute to a cause we care about, it creates a sense of joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction. Studies show that voluntary giving leads to pleasure activation in the brain. There is a chemical response in our body when we do something nice for others. The brain produces "feel-good" chemicals such as Serotonin (which regulates your mood), Dopamine (which gives you a sense of pleasure) and Oxytocin (which creates a sense of connection with others).

2. Improved physical health

Generosity has been linked to better physical health outcomes. Engaging in acts of giving has been associated with lower blood pressure, similar to results gained from a healthy diet and exercise. Some studies link volunteering as a predictor of reduced mortality risks and improving longevity.

3. Enhanced mental well-being

Giving can have positive effects on mental health. It can reduce levels of the stress hormone, cortisol while stimulating our brain's reward center to release endorphins that elevate happiness (as described in point 1). This helps to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and loneliness and promotes a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

4. Strengthened relationships

Generosity fosters stronger relationships and social connections. When we give to others we feel closer to others and they feel closer to us. This builds trust, deepens bonds, and cultivates a sense of community. Giving can also inspire others to engage in acts of kindness, creating a positive ripple effect.

5. Personal growth and self-esteem

Giving allows individuals to develop empathy, compassion, and kindness. It can contribute to personal growth and self-improvement, leading to increased self-esteem and a sense of purpose.

6. Positive impact on society

Generosity has the power to create positive change in society. By giving to charitable causes, volunteering, or supporting others in need, we contribute to addressing social issues and improving the well-being of communities.

7. Spiritual and moral fulfillment

Many religious and philosophical traditions emphasize the importance of giving and acts of kindness. Engaging in generosity aligns with moral and ethical values, providing a sense of spiritual fulfillment and a deeper connection to humanity.

8. Increased gratitude

When we give, we cultivate a sense of gratitude for what we have. It helps us appreciate the blessings in our own lives and develop a more positive outlook.

Giving and generosity have far-reaching benefits that extend beyond the immediate act. They contribute to personal well-being, strengthen relationships, and make a positive impact on society as a whole. With so many benefits, why should we limit generosity and giving to only during holiday seasons?

How To Incorporate Generosity and Giving Into Daily Life

There are countless acts of generosity and giving that we can incorporate into our daily lives. Here are some simple actionable examples:

1. Practice active listening

To feel truly heard and understood by someone is a rare and valuable gift but one that costs us nothing. Be generous in practicing active listening daily (put down the phone). Give your full attention to others when they are speaking, showing genuine interest and empathy.

2. Offer a helping hand

It's often hard for any of us to ask for help as we don't want to burden others. Offering assistance without the need to be asked is an act of generosity that most will appreciate. Look for opportunities to assist others in their tasks or daily activities. It could be helping a colleague with a project, offering to carry groceries for someone, or as simple as holding the door open for others.

3. Practice random acts of kindness

Perform small acts of kindness without expecting anything in return. It could be leaving a kind note for a coworker, treating someone to a coffee or offering a smile to a stranger. Here's a list of 50 random acts of kindness you can do today from

4. Volunteer your time

Dedicate some of your time to volunteer for a cause or organization you care about or time to help family, friends and neighbours. Whether it's helping at a local shelter, participating in a community cleanup, or mentoring a colleague, your time and skills can make a significant difference.

5. Donate to charity

Support causes that resonate with you by making donations. You can contribute financially or donate goods such as clothes, food, or books to those in need.

6. Share knowledge and skills

Offer to share your expertise or skills with others. It could be mentoring someone, teaching a workshop, or providing guidance to someone who needs it.

7. Spread positivity

Be intentional about spreading positivity in your interactions. Offer kind words, encouragement, or a genuine smile to brighten someone's day.

8. Express gratitude

Take a moment to express appreciation to those around you. Thank someone for their help, compliment their work, or acknowledge their efforts. Gratitude is a powerful act of kindness.

Acts of generosity and giving don't have to be grand gestures. Even the smallest acts can have a significant impact on others and contribute to a more compassionate and caring world.

Don't Forget To Show Yourself Kindness and Generosity

As we busily get ready to celebrate the holiday season and rush about trying to find that perfect gift for our loved ones, remember to show yourself some kindness and generosity too.

Taking care of yourself is an important act of kindness and self-care that needs to be prioritized. When we take care of our well-being, we are better able to be generous and give to others.

The things that make the holidays meaningful are not the perfectly decorated tree or the immaculate Christmas dinner, nor is it about the perfect gift. What makes the holiday season special is the time spent to connect and celebrate with our family and friends.

Remember that the generosity of sharing ourselves to help others is the most valuable gift all year round.

... And if you are looking for a special gift, check out the self-development and self-care gifts on my website products page Products That Inspire Growth.

More articles to help you with your generosity and giving:

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