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  • Au Yin Chan

Developing Analytical and Creative Thinking Skills

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

Analytical and creative thinking skills are top skills for future work and they are skills that you can easily build. Here are 5 ways to develop these future work skills.

I think we can all agree that regardless of industry, the work world has experienced dramatic disruption over the past 3 years due to Covid-19. As the new normal of the work world continues to evolve, understanding what the most important work skills can help us to prepare and adapt for the future.

According to The Future of Jobs Report 2023 from the World Economic Forum, Analytical and Creative Thinking skills are the top skills required for future work.

"Analytical thinking and creative thinking remain the most important skills for workers in 2023... Employers estimate that 44% of workers’ skills will be disrupted in the next five years. Cognitive skills are reported to be growing in importance most quickly, reflecting the increasing importance of complex problem-solving in the workplace. Surveyed businesses report creative thinking to be growing in importance slightly more rapidly than analytical thinking."

If you google Analytical Skills, definitions will say that it consists of categories that include logical reasoning, critical thinking, communication, research, data analysis and creativity.

If you google Creative thinking skills, definitions will say that it includes analysis, open-mindedness, problem-solving, organization, and communication.

The top 2 skills for future work are linked. Effective analytical thinking requires creative thinking skills and vice versa.

The good news is that both are skills that can be trained, developed and strengthened. Here are 5 things you can easily do to develop your skills for analytical and creative thinking.

1. Start a Creative Hobby

A creative hobby is not restricted to creating art. It can include colouring, knitting, quilting, photography, gardening, woodworking, DIY home improvements and many other activities that require you to expand your imagination. Creative hobbies such as these give you the same benefits as creating art.

Participating in artistic and creative hobbies is good for your brain health as it stimulates new connections between your brain cells. There are also benefits to your mental and emotional health such as :

  • Lower stress and anxiety by lowering cortisol levels in your brain.

  • Activates the reward center of our brain by increasing blood flow to the prefrontal cortex.

  • Can help you to envision a more hopeful future.

  • Helps you to focus deeply by inducing a flow-state which "activates several networks including relaxed reflective state, focused attention to task and sense of pleasure." says Girija Kaimal, a professor at Drexel University.

Moreover, studies show that creating art can have additional benefits such as:

  • building attention and focus

  • building self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment

  • reduce stress and anxiety

  • engage fine motor skills

  • improve self-awareness and connection with emotions

So if you have always wanted to start that new creative hobby or restart one that you used to love, do so. Your analytical and creative thinking skills will benefit.

2. Start Journaling

Journaling is not only a great tool for maintaining and improving our overall wellness, but it's also a way to improve our analytical and creative thinking skills.

Writing in a journal gives us a safe space to express our deepest thoughts, reflect and reframe.

In my blog, The Best Heart-to-Heart Conversations Happen in My Journal, I share 3 benefits I have gained from journaling throughout my life.

  • Journaling out negative thoughts.

  • Journaling to solutions.

  • Journaling to self-discovery.

The act of writing down your thoughts helps you to think more deeply and from different perspectives. It encourages analytical thinking and helps you to generate new viewpoints and solutions.

The medium and format of your journaling is up to you. To gain the most benefit, make it a regular habit in your day or your week. There are many prompted journals and journaling apps that can help you make it an easy habit to start.

And if you love a premium feeling journal to inspire you to write, then check out my full-colour journals available in 3 styles on paperback and hardcover on (as pictured above.)

3. Permission to Play

We know that play is an essential part of learning and development for children, but play is also important for relaxation and stimulation for adults.

Playing with your romantic partner, friends, co-workers, pets, and children can spark your imagination, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and emotional well-being.

When you play, you engage the creative side of your brain and silence the psychological barrier that censors your thoughts and ideas. This can help you see the problem in a new light and discover creative solutions.

Even playing video games can help enhance analytical and creative thinking skills. In the academic research book Video Games And Creativity, playing video games can have the following benefits.

  • better concentration

  • better neural processing and processing efficiency

  • better problem-solving skills

  • enhanced motivation

  • enhanced spatial skills

  • improved mood, greater inspiration, and better self-esteem

If you enjoy a good jigsaw puzzle, playing board games with family or online gaming with friends, know that taking a play break is good for you. Just remember to do it with moderation...

4. Practice Mindfulness & Gratitude

Being observant and being positive is needed for analytical and creative thinking. We can't find improvements or solutions if we don't see existing details and believe they can be improved.

Practicing mindfulness involves focusing your awareness on the present moment without judgment. When you pay attention to your feelings, thoughts, situations and environment "in the moment" with an attitude of acceptance, you remove the negative thoughts and judgements that can get in the way of analytical and creative thinking.

Gratitude is about noticing and acknowledging things that we are grateful for, things that are meaningful or hold value in our lives. It's easy to overlook the simple things that make life more bright and more positive when we often react to daily stressors with negativity and distress.

Gratitude involves showing appreciation for the things in life that are meaningful or valuable to you. Taking a moment to notice and acknowledge the things you’re grateful for each day can brighten your outlook, boost your mood, and help you feel more positive in the face of challenges.

Practicing mindfulness and gratitude can improve your emotional resilience and help you find the focus and clarity needed for analytical and creative thinking.

So build in mindful moments each day where you can breathe, calm your mind and connect with your thoughts, feelings and environment without judgment. Start and end each day with three things that you are grateful for. When you make the time and effort to take these self-care moments, you are also allowing for analytical and creative thinking growth.

5. Be Open-Minded & Curious

The older we get, the less curious we are because we think we have learned what we need to learn. The reality is that the world around us is constantly changing and if we don't evolve and adapt, we may become obsolete like Blockbusters and the Blackberry.

Learning is a life-long journey and we can't develop our analytical and creative thinking skills if we are working with limiting or outdated information. Be a Life Long Learner and Reap the Benefits such as:

  • Functionally: Helps us cope with daily life and the fast-changing world.

  • Financially: Provides us with career growth opportunities and diverse career options.

  • Physiologically: Improves overall mental, emotional and physical health.

  • Philosophically: Help us find life enrichment and fulfillment.

In John Coleman's HBR article, Lifelong Learning Is Good for Your Health, Your Wallet, and Your Social Life, he describes how important learning is to us as human beings.

"Our capacity for learning is a cornerstone of human flourishing and motivation. We are uniquely endowed with the capacity for learning, creation, and intellectual advancement... These experiences can be electrifying. And even if education had no impact on health, prosperity, or social standing, it would be entirely worthwhile as an expression of what makes every person so special and unique."

Expressing curiosity and learning something new actively wires the brain to be more analytical and creative. Life is more interesting when you are curious.

Bonus Tip: Surround Yourself With Diversity

When you open yourself to diverse viewpoints, cultures and ideas, you are bound to broaden your analytical and creative thinking skills.

Throughout my career, I am most grateful for having worked in diverse settings and on diverse projects that pushed me outside my comfort zone. Working with diverse cultures, generations and talents has challenged my thinking and kept me future work capable.

Let go of ego and adopt a beginner's mindset. Don't let the fear of not knowing stop you from discovering new possibilities.

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