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Crafting a Life of Purpose and Value

Au Yin Chan

Updated: Dec 17, 2023

Reflecting on 2023 and preparing for 2024 with 5 things to think about to craft a life of value and purpose in the new year and beyond.

As we wrap up 2023, it is time to take stock and plan for the next chapter in the new year.

I started 2023 with a very personal blog, 3 Lessons on Coping With Life's Adversities. At that time I was in recovery from cancer-related surgery for the second time in my life. My diagnosis of endometrial cancer came just after Christmas 2022 and my surgery to remove the tumours followed in the first week of 2023. What a way to end and start a year.

The words that I would use to define my 2023 are vulnerability, recovery and gratitude.

The physical scars have healed while the emotional scars and feelings of vulnerability ebb and flow in waves still. Part of recovery is coping with the fears that creep into my thoughts having experienced two types of cancer in my life. And the memories of my mom's battle with cancer which led to her passing at the age of 44.

Gratitude helps me to navigate through it all. I remind myself of all that I have to be grateful for whenever my mind wanders to negative what-ifs.

  • I am grateful that we caught the cancer early.

  • I am grateful that the surgery was successful in removing all the tumours.

  • I am grateful that my sons who study and live in Canada were able to come home to visit us in Hong Kong for extended stays.

  • I am grateful for the moral support of family and friends throughout the ordeal.

  • I am most grateful for my husband who is brave enough for both of us in moments where I need help to find courage.

I have learned meaningful lessons of resilience and courage in 2023. I have also discovered new purpose and value in my search for healing and mindfulness.

So as I close out 2023, I am reflecting on lessons learned and crafting a plan for living a more purposeful 2024. I want to create value for others in whatever way I can through content and tools for self-development, self-help and mindfulness.

If you are reflecting and getting ready for your new year goals, here are 5 things to consider for crafting a life of purpose and value in 2024 and beyond.

1. Reflect on Your Values

"Life is not about accumulation, it is about contribution."

Stephen Covey

If you don't know what's important to you and what you value, then it's pretty hard to set goals or make decisions to define passion or achieve purpose.

Start by identifying your core values, the principles and beliefs that are most important to you such as honesty, kindness, leadership, integrity, friendship, family, etc. Consider what truly matters to you in life, such as relationships, personal growth, contribution to society, or making a positive impact.

Understanding your values will help you align your actions and decisions with what truly matters to you. When you choose and act in alignment with our values, you will feel purpose-driven and create valuable contributions.

Here is a helpful article from, What Are Your Values, that can help you to reflect and clarify our defining values.

2. Define Your Passions and Interests

"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you."

Oprah Winfrey

The dream is to have a career or work that is aligned with passions and interests, but not everyone is so lucky. If you are in a career that is your passion, congratulations. You will know exactly what Oprah means in her quote above.

Passions and interests help to make life feel more fulfilling. Think about the activities, hobbies, or causes that make you feel alive, fulfilled, and engaged.

In the article The Secret to Finding Your Passion, the difference between a hobby and a passion is:

"A hobby is something you enjoy doing for fun and in your free time. A passion is something that’s inside of you and with you all the time. Something you feel compelled to keep engaging with, even without external rewards such as compensation or recognition."

To craft a life of purpose and value, you need to discover what ignites your passion and interest and then build activities around them in your life. Who knows, perhaps the hobby that you are so passionate about can even become a career.

3. Set Meaningful Goals

Establishing meaningful goals can provide a sense of purpose and motivation in life.

However, when we set out to make a goal meaningful, it can end up full of lofty adjectives and wishes instead of being actionable.

In my blog, Putting Value in Your Time, I share 3 reflection exercises that help define meaning and value in more tangible ways.

  • Identify Your Valuable Life Roles - these roles you are active in daily have tangible value.

  • Define Your Meaningful Contribution - when you see yourself in your valuable roles, you can visualize what you want to contribute.

  • Determine Your Intentional Actions - knowing the value of your role and the contribution you want to make, you can set and take intentional actions to achieve your goals.

Reflect on what you want to achieve and what success means to you, both in the short term and the long term. It's important to make SMART goals that are realistic and actionable.

When you craft goals that are aligned with your values and passions, you will be motivated to achieve them.

4. Cultivate Meaningful Relationships

"Treasure your relationships, not your possessions."

Anthony J. D'Angelo

Nurturing and maintaining healthy relationships is essential for a purposeful life. There are many types of meaningful relationships in your life from familiar to plutonic to professional to romantic.

In the article 4 Tips for a Meaningful Relationship, Dr. David Bowers, a licensed marriage and family therapist, describes a meaningful connection as follows:

“When you’re with a person virtually or physically, and you have that sense of being able to be yourself, and at the same time feel really attuned to the other person and their joys and needs, then you can be pretty sure it’s a meaningful relationship,”

Surround yourself with people who support, inspire, and challenge you to become the best version of yourself. Seek meaningful connections and contribute to the well-being and growth of others, as human connections can bring immense fulfillment and purpose to your life.

5. Embrace Lifelong Learning and Growth:

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."

Albert Einstein

A lifelong learning mindset is about creating and maintaining a positive attitude to learning for personal and professional development.

In my blog, Be a Lifelong Learner and Reap the Lifelong Benefits, I share 4 benefits of lifelong learning and how to be a straight-A student of life.

  • Help Your Brain Stay Healthy

  • Grow Your Self-Motivation and Self-Esteem

  • Expand and Lengthen Your Career

  • Engage More Fully in Your Life

Cultivating a growth mindset helps you adapt to change, discover new passions, and find purpose in the lifelong learning journey. Commit yourself to continuous learning and personal development by engaging in activities that expand your knowledge, skills and perspectives.

Embracing new experiences will help you craft a value and purpose and expand your comfort zone.

Enjoy The Journey

"We detect rather than invent our missions in life."

Viktor Frankl

Crafting a purposeful life is a deeply personal and individual journey. It's an ongoing process that requires self-reflection, exploration, and adaptation as you evolve and grow.

None of us are born knowing our purpose and value, but I believe each one of us has a unique purpose and value to contribute. Discovering them is part of the journey in life.

Be patient with yourself and embrace the journey as it can lead you to new destinations, adventures and rewards that create a fulfilling and meaningful life.

I leave you with one more quote to help inspire your life journey crafting for 2024 and beyond...

“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. He is considered successful in our day who gets more out of life than he puts in. But a man of value will give more than he receives.”

Albert Einstein

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