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  • Au Yin Chan

10 Affirmations to Help You Stay Brave and Carry-on

It's hard to be brave and authentic in our complex, stress-filled, anxiety-inducing world. When the going gets tough, know that you are not alone.

My weekly blog post goal on is to inspire self-development, self-care and mindfulness. And to spread some love, light and positivity along the way.

This doesn't mean that I have overcome my own battles with anxiety, stress and negativity. I am a real-life example of someone just doing their best to live an authentically purposeful life with integrity, kindness and compassion.

It's a daily battle to be brave and chase my dreams as a writer, entrepreneur, consultant, coach and artist. The small business entrepreneur's life is a lonely one.

In my past corporate career, there was a large team to feel belonging with and a structure for validation of productivity and performance. Now the daily motivation for productivity and validation of performance needs to be self-generated. (Which is hard when I tend to be overly self-critical. 😓)

I can relate to my friends and clients who have felt the same loneliness with work-from-home and hybrid schedules of Covid-19 times. I can relate to those plugging away in their daily work but feel they are not validated or making a difference with an endless workload.

It used to be that the only difference between working for yourself and for a company was the steady paycheck. Even that is not a certainty in our ongoing global pandemic world economy.

I don't think I am alone in the struggle to create the life I want for myself and my loved ones. We all want validation for the hard work we do. We all hope that our efforts in life make a difference.

We all have slump periods when it's hard to find motivation and positivity. It's ok not to be ok every now and then. But we can't stay there.

This week is in recognition of everyone who is struggling to live bravely with authenticity and purpose. You are not alone. And when you are having a tough day (or two), here are 10 affirmations to help you to stay brave and carry on.

Brave Affirmation #1

Brave Affirmation #2

Brave Affirmation #3

Brave Affirmation #4

Brave Affirmation #5

Brave Affirmation #6

Brave Affirmation #7

Brave Affirmation #8

Affirmation #9

Brave Affirmation #10

Staying Brave and Carrying On

The long shadow of two and a half years in a pandemic world still looms over many of us. The trauma of disruption in our lives is real and long-lasting.

It has drastically impacted my consulting business and continues to make the industry of learning and development unstable. Living in Hong Kong with one of the world's strictest Covid-19 travel restriction practices has meant physical separation from my sons studying in Canada.

I am still recovering from the depression I experienced in 2020. The feelings of anxiety from continuing uncertainty and loneliness for my family and friends around the world still catch me off guard on melancholy days.

According to World Health Organization's article, the COVID-19 pandemic triggers 25% increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide, there are multiple stress factors such as:

"Unprecedented stress caused by the social isolation resulting from the pandemic. Linked to this were constraints on people’s ability to work, seek support from loved ones and engage in their communities."

"Loneliness, fear of infection, suffering and death for oneself and for loved ones, grief after bereavement and financial worries have also all been cited as stressors leading to anxiety and depression."

I know there is light at the end of the tunnel. I just have to keep moving forward toward that light.

So I choose to move forward with mindfulness one step at a time, one day at a time. And I am sending out support and gratitude to all who strive to live bravely and authentically.

Bonus Gratitude Affirmation

If you would like to have the printable PDF pages for the brave affirmation images in this week's post, subscribe and they will be emailed right to your inbox. You can also scroll down and send me a message on contact me with your email information.

Additional Helpful Article:

I would love to hear your comments!

Which of the brave affirmation is your favourite?

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Jul 29, 2022

Big hug from CC, love you

Au Yin Chan
Jul 29, 2022
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Thank you for your support CC! 😘


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