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Image by Sharon McCutcheon

Hello!  I'm Au Yin.

Entrepreneur, Mentor, Coach, Facilitator, Speaker, Artist, Writer, Optimist, Life-Long Learner

My name is Au Yin Chan and is my inspiration platform to share my love of self-help, self-development and self-care.  Notice the emphasis on SELF.  No one can help us if we don't first decide to help ourselves.


I would describe myself as the Defender of Self-Development.

My superpower is empathy.  My super strength is resilience.  My Kryptonite is self-doubt.


All my life I have had the natural ability to attract people to confide in me and seek my advice because of my ability to listen empathetically.


My resilience super strength was built from dealing with life adversities such as:

  • the death of my father when I was 6

  • death of my mother when I was 20

  • dealing with a brain tumour at 30

  • being diagnosed with lymphoma at 45


Even though I have survived and thrived through the challenges in my life, I struggle daily with deep insecurities and self-doubt ingrained in me from growing up as a Hong Kong Asian Canadian who never quite fit in.


I have spent over 20 years of my life in the learning & development industry and have trained, coached and mentored people from frontline operations to executive management levels.  The two commonalities that I see in impactful leaders are their self-awareness and openness for self-development.

​ is my passion project.  It will be filled with unique and engaging content for growth and development in all areas of life, from productivity, leadership, positive psychology, emotional intelligence, generational awareness, and more.  So subscribe and follow as I grow this site with weekly blogs, suggested resource links and future possibilities of webinars and courses.


My life's work of helping others has also been my journey of self-healing and growth.  In helping others to see their potential and to help them shine, I have given myself permission to do the same.


Moving beyond self-imposed limits and the safety of our comfort zone is not easy.  We all need some inspiration to help motivate us.  We all need affirmation and someone to believe in us.  We all deserve to shine and be seen. 


Come along with me on my continuous journey to learn and grow.  Take advantage of the life lessons, experiences, tools and resources I share.  Explore, engage and ignite your potential to be limitless!


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