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Feature Blog Post

Hi, I’m Au Yin

Welcome to, my passion project filled with unique and engaging content for self-discovery, self-development and self-care.  Explore my site, engage with me and let's ignite your potential.

We all need a little inspiration, motivation and belief in ourselves.  I hope your time on will help you find sparks of positivity that will make your day better.


I am passionate about helping others to find, appreciate and grow their unique abilities.  I believe everyone has the potential for growth and achievement in areas of life that matter most to them.  We all have opportunities to create extraordinary impact in the everyday ordinary actions we take. We just need to get out of our own way, be brave and give ourselves permission to shine.

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Image by Sharon McCutcheon

“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. ”

 ― Marianne Williamson

Inspiration Blogs

Please Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 

The recommendations and links in my blogs are based on relevant information for self-development and mindfulness and are not sponsored.

What People Say About Au Yin

Oranuch Yoosukdee

Senior Digital Education Manager

Estee Lauder Companies Inc.

Au Yin is an incredibly insightful, knowledgeable and loving motivator.  Her delicate, encouraging, and honest approach, along with her exceptional intuition and expertise, enables her to assist individuals opening up, handling difficulties effectively, and making positive changes in their careers and lives.


Ocea McKenzie

ANZ Education Manager & Digital Creator for M.A.C Cosmetics & Bobbi Brown

Au Yin is a caring, kind leader who leads with integrity and authenticity. She has influenced my professional journey and has empowered so many others among the way.  Au Yin is a patient teacher and always brings out the best in teams and individuals.


Hui Mei Huang

Makeup Learning & Development, CHANEL Asia Pacific

Au Yin is an amazing person professionally and personally. 

Au Yin willingly shares her own experiences that relate to my queries and is able to give thoughtful advice. She always makes herself available to develop and mentor me.  She keeps encouraging and motivating me to do my best at work.

Things That Make My Heart Smile

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